Salvation Literature

The literature we are offering is deeply rooted the word of truth which is for the edification of the Saints in the whole counsel of God in prophecy, doctrine, the laws and commandments of God, God’s precepts, statutes and judgements and warnings, as God gave us through His servants the prophets.

The literature we are offering is deeply rooted the word of truth which is for the edification of the Saints in the whole counsel of God in prophecy, doctrine, the laws and commandments of God, God’s precepts, statutes and judgements and warnings, as God gave us through His servants the prophets.



Sanctification is a process by which we change in character, from the inside out, from our old ways of life into a new man. Empowered by the Spirit of God, we develop the personali...  more  


What do we have to do to become just before God? The process of salvation is set on a path compared to building a house. The strength of that house depends on its foundation. Justi...  more  

Understanding Predestination

Are those called to salvation predestined to enter the Kingdom of God regardless of what they do or do we have a part to play?   more